7 months agoUpdate on Ukraine, Russian Navy Day, Middle Eastern Escalation, WW3 Predictions, Olympic DiscontenttailgunnerjimVerified
10 months agoUnion leaders threaten "summer of discontent", Cuomo is now Pro Ivermectin, Free Speech at riskThe Shadoe Davis Show
2 years agoChina Expresses 'Strong Discontent' Over Balloon Shootdown, 'Retains the Right to Respond Further'Restored RepublicVerified
7 months agoUpdate on Ukraine, Russian Navy Day, Middle Eastern Escalation, WW3 Predictions, Olympic DiscontentLevan Gudadze-OpinionVerified
9 months agoGemini❤️(30-Jun):Noble Discontent Is The Path To Heaven.🤔🙄Embrace Courage, & Live In This Moment!💯🤸👏WillBrowne