The City of Calgary has essentially made it illegal to engage in an protest of the government without a permit. They state you can’t even protest on a sidewalk or a public park
Dr. Angelique Coetzee - Physician and President of the South African Medical Association The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.
Schools Were Bribed With Big Money to Keep the Masks on Children—Lawsuits Coming "These schools get the money only if they keep the masks on... 7.8 million dollars went to one high school, Ichabod Crane, and parents said, 'We want to see the
Daniel Bulford - Former officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.
Amsterdam Comes Out Strong for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom 🇳🇱 All over the world, people are becoming increasingly fed up with their governments telling them what to do.
✉️ Russian anti-aircraft gunners received letters from schoolchildren of a neighbouring small village. ▫️This is not the first such correspondence, the servicemen say. It is becoming a good tradition.