Tucker Carlson Talks With Vladimir Putin Yet Begs For War With China

10 months ago

Tucker Carlson Talks With Vladimir Putin Yet Begs For War With China

Feb. 9, 2024


Dangerous Ideas with Lee Camp

Tucker Carlson can’t be credited for dissenting against US war fever when he spent years on his Fox News show stoking major tensions with China.

It’s true Carlson was one of the few voices in corporate media who allowed occasional on-air criticism of the military-industrial complex, injected any dissenting opinions about Washington’s strategy regarding the Ukraine war, and raised concerns about nuclear war (even as his coverage has also at times veered explicitly into “root[ing] for Russia,” as the host once put it). Astoundingly, Carlson may be the singular person responsible for stopping Donald Trump from starting an idiotic war with Iran four years ago.

The fact that it fell to Carlson of all people — a former CIA aspirant, Iraq War supporter, and someone who once called the brutalized people of that country “semiliterate primitive monkeys” who “can’t govern themselves” — to make these commonsense points on TV speaks more to the stunted conformity of corporate news coverage than Carlson’s political virtue.

But the fixation on this small handful of deviations from Washington orthodoxy seems to have caused a collective bout of amnesia about something arguably far more important: the way Carlson has used his top-rated, highly influential show for years to push the US public and policymakers into a needless and disastrous conflict with China, a mirror image of the anti-Russia hawkishness the TV host criticizes elsewhere.

It’s a vision that, thanks in large part to Carlson’s efforts, has now become the new elite Washington orthodoxy — a remarkable achievement for a self-styled populist who claimed to be taking on the ruling class.

Carlson’s dissenting line on Ukraine policy has to be understood in light of his obsession with fighting China. As he outlined back in 2019, his dim view of Washington’s Russia strategy came from the fact that he viewed China, not Russia, as “our main enemy,” and that “the United States ought to be in a relationship with Russia aligned against China to the extent that we can.”

He reiterated this point three years later: because “China is the preeminent threat to the United States,” and because it’s impossible “to engage meaningfully simultaneously in Europe and in Asia,” the US focus on Ukraine only “detracts from our attention to China,” while at the same time pushing Moscow “into an alliance of convenience of necessity with the Chinese government.”

Carlson was right. If your main priorities are one day fighting a war with China and maintaining US supremacy across the globe — instead of, say, fixing the myriad homegrown crises of poverty and wealth inequality that fuel American despair — Washington’s foreign policy of antagonizing both Russia and China at the same time has been entirely backward.

Carlson was only putting forward a modified, twenty-first-century version of the foreign policy of Cold War hawks like Richard Nixon, who worked to deepen ties with Beijing in large part to keep China and the Soviet Union divided and eventually win the Cold War. Carlson’s vision also happens to be along the lines of the approach favored by hawks like frequent Tucker Carlson Tonight guest Elbridge Colby, the Donald Trump appointee responsible for the billionaire president’s anti-China 2018 National Defense Strategy. (“I wish you were running the State Department,” Carlson once told Colby.)

But, of course, such a vision has nothing to do with ensuring peace, let alone keeping Americans out of elite-led foreign adventures, like the Middle Eastern ones Carlson denounces. The opposite, actually: by paying lip service to restraint-oriented rhetoric, Carlson has worked to co-opt latent antiwar sentiment and redirect it into his warmongering crusade against China.

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Original: https://youtu.be/49hSU1zvMfM

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I'm one of the most censored comedians in America. I was the host and head writer of the TV show "Redacted Tonight" for 8 years until it was shut down by US sanctions. Then all of the past episodes were banned by YouTube around the world. Next my podcast "Moment of Clarity" was deleted by Spotify. My other channels are shadow-banned and suppressed -- All because I'm anti-war and anti-imperialist. You can support my work and get weekly exclusive content at LeeCamp dot net. (You can also find my podcasts now under the name "The Lee Camp Show," "Government Secrets" and "Common Censored.")

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