Doctor Robert Malone | "One of the Transformational Points In Time for This Technology Was When DARPA Decided to Issue a Large Contract, a Series of Contracts to Enable the Development of mRNA and Specifically mRNA Use for Vaccine Purposes."
mRNA | "Transhumanism, Is One of the Agendas of the World Economic Forum That's Not Hidden, That's Not a Conspiracy & They Talk About RNA Vaccines As An Entry Point. Opening That Space Ethically and Otherwise." - Doctor Malone
Bird Flu | Will Misused Tests Be Used Once Again to Create the Next Plandemic? "We PCR You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody." - Doctor Kary Mullis (The Inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction Test)
The Gilgamesh Project | What Is the Gilgamesh Project? What Is PLUM ISLAND? What Types of Experiments Are Conducted At PLUM Island? What Is the Manhattan Monster? | Weaponized Ticks & Doctor Willy Burgdorfer?
Doctor Bryan Ardis | Doctor Bryan Ardis Speaks At ReAwaken America Tour Detroit, Michigan! Join Navarro, Flynn, Eric Trump & Team America At Oct 18-19 Selma, NC ReAwaken! Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102
Dr. Judy Mikovits | “It’s Time Robert Redfield Is Criminally Charged & Along With Deborah Birx.” - Dr. Mikovits (6/19/2024) + “The Thing They Were Injecting Into People Was Lethal.” - Doctor David Martin (6/18/2024)
COVID-19 Vaccines | "The Pfizer Vaccine Is Contaminated In With Plasma DNA, It's Not Just mRNA, It's Got Bits of DNA In It." - Doctor Phillip Buckhaults (Cancer Genomic Expert) | "The SV40 (Cancer Causing Genes) Sequence Should No
Doctor Richard Bartlett | Who Can We Trust? Can We Trust the U.S. Military? Can We Trust the World Health Organization? Can We Trust Hollywood, Kushner, the U.S. Dollar, U.S. Banks, the Federal Reserve, the CIA or the U.S. Military?
Devin Nunes | With Doctor McCullough & Julie Green | Why Will Government Not Approve TRUTH to Gain Access to Public Markets? Why Did Biden’s Health Admin Vow to Strip Medicaid Funding from Providers Who Refuse Transgender Surgeries?
Doctor Peter McCullough | “Biden Health Secretary Vows to Strip Medicaid Funding from Providers Who Refuse Transgender Surgeries + COVID Shots Are Not Safe & Are Not Effective.” + Why Do Doctors Praise the Desire to Cut Off Your Penis?
Doctor Mikovits | Bird Flu | Plandemic 2.0? CDC Wastewater Surveillance to Track Bird Flu Hotspots? Alpacas Test Positive for Bird Flu? - 5/29/24 + "There Is Perhaps Still a Role for Humans In That We Give A.I. Meaning?" - Elon Musk