2 years agoDraco avatar Farnese family runs all wars & genocide & militaries of world from Satanist HQ PentagonChristianRapture
2 years agoWarn! NWO has now REPLACED 33% Western nation populace with clones & androids & fallen angel avatarsChristianRapture
2 years agoSatan's End Times plan 3 component: nephilim mothers & nephilim world leaders & millions fake aliensChristianRapture
2 years agoNWO moved 300,000 US troops to Ukraine for nuclear war & plan to start next pandemic from UK July 15ChristianRapture
2 years agoCancer can be cured with sound or light. Thousand scientists killed for exposing cancer baby vaccineChristianRapture
2 years agoWarn! Some of Draco avatar elites' NWO's supermarket plastic bottle water is poison synthetic waterChristianRapture
2 years agoSpend 30 minutes alone with Jesus instead of going to pedophile cannibal Satanist pastors' churchesChristianRapture
2 years agoNWO approved dumping poison COVID19 vaccine bacteria on humans using airplane chemtrail for zombiesChristianRapture
2 years agoUnbiblical tithe income tax pastors & Christian ministry business profiteers dug their own gravesChristianRapture
2 years agoSatan always show beforehand in movies & money his destruction of Jezebel's Western feminist nationsChristianRapture
2 years agoNWO is using AI "black goo" nanobot monkey pox vaccine to spread monkey pox to gay LGBTPB pedophilesChristianRapture
1 year agoDog Funny Videos Cute Dog -- Dog Recation #shorts #funnydog #funnyanimals #cutepuppyFierceDogs
2 years agoFake Christians spend their life trying to stop people taking vaccine instead of telling them repentChristianRapture
2 years agoNephilims now run earth. World rulers gather at U.N. for thousand human sacrifice ritual orgiesChristianRapture
2 years agoNWO making humans hate God & masculinity & Whites & Russia to release millions demons to eat humansChristianRapture
2 years agoAll LGBT people are sodomized as babies to infuse many demons for multiple personality disorder usesChristianRapture
2 years agoDifference in miracles between fake religious Christian hordes and real Christian samurai warriorsChristianRapture
2 years agoBy redefining Bible verses Western Christians ridiculing Jesus just like they ridiculed him at crossChristianRapture
2 years agoNazi space fleet android & clone army in U.S. uniforms teleported into Germany to exterminate humansChristianRapture
2 years agoKing Ghidorah sea monsters now being sighted all over world because pastors redefined Bible versesChristianRapture