Warn! NWO has now REPLACED 33% Western nation populace with clones & androids & fallen angel avatars

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (August 2022). Amy reports that Satan Lucifer’s Illuminati top hierarchy Shambhala “White Lodge Brotherhood” ascended masters “Venusian Pleiadian Ashtar fake aliens” “Twilight Saga vampires” fallen angel devils’ manufactured fake aliens like the little grays are kidnapping huge numbers of humans and eating them, because their staple diet is humans. They put the human body parts into vats and rub the liquid on their skins to absorb the life force energy, because they are cut off from God’s life force energy. It is like the fallen angel “fake aliens” vampires drinking human children’s adrenochrome DNA blood because the life force photons is in the blood, as the Bible says, or they parasite the life force energy from wars and pain and suffering and fear and anger and hatred and sorrow of the humans. All the public figures and world leaders are clones now or fallen angel incarnate avatars or nephilim & chimera fake alien incarnate avatars or androids. Satan Lucifer and his fallen angel devils seem to be slowly removing all the current free-thinking free-willed organic life form world rulers and managers and kings, and replacing them with either “fallen angel demon-possessed AI black goo” hive-mind Borg Nazi reptilian nephilims and Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatars or with clone & android automatons. It is a eugenics company restructuring based on the Satanism’s doctrine of efficiency and eugenics. Satan Lucifer’s Nazi 5th Reich Noah’s Atlantis Roman 13th Reich runs their Shambhala and Venus cities and Pleiadian and Ashtar space fleets. It is an absolute fiasco circus they are running. The question is, who put them in power and gave them the authority, and the answer is the Western feminist nations’ End Times apostate harlot Church’s “women’s equality” “female church donators loving” “Jezebel spirit filled” “Satan Lucifer’s ordained & allowed & trained” church pastors and New Age Wicca witch hippy grandchildren generation Sananda Jesus’ religious Christian hordes, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels to stick their middle fingers up at God, and cross-dressing in “Satan Lucifer’s post-1960s cross-dress-project” men’s trousers to mock God’s Word, and stealing unbiblical post-1873 10% salary tithe income taxes to make God’s house into an extortionist gangsters’ office, and removing all of God’s spiritual protection. End of transmission…

Photos at: https://mewe.com/i/chapihezver

Photos at: https://gab.com/humanracesurvivalresistance

Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100018513877047

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