Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Discussing Ending MONEY & Universal High Income? "So What Is the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans? At Least 4 to 1. 20 Billion Robots. It's Not Even Clear What MONEY Means At That Point."
GLP Inhibitors | “Nothing would do more to improve the health, lifespan and quality of life for Americans than making GLP inhibitors super low cost to the public. Nothing else is even close.” - Elon Musk (12/11/2024)
Robin Williams | "Joe Says Sh$# That Even People w/ Tourettes Say No To." + "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Has Become a Reality." - Klaus Schwab + "Dr. Schwab I'm Flattered You'd Ask Me to Keynote. Mastering the Fourt
Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Discussing Ending MONEY & Universal High Income? "So What Is the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans? At Least 4 to 1. 20 Billion Robots. It's Not Even Clear What MONEY Means At That Point."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Even If AIs Don't Have Consciousness, They Can Easily Fool Us & Make Us Believe They Feel Things." + "People Will Feel That Their AI Friend Is a Conscious Being & Therefore Should Be Granted Rights." -