Blackmail & extortion is the currency of Washington DC and the Federal Gov is the Deep State

2 days ago

Exposing the corruption running through Planet Fitness will open the Pandora Box.
It's up to We The People to bring the heat.
Please Share this video and contact everyone here:

AG Merrick Garland:

The DEA:
Twitter @DEAHQ

US Attorney in your state

And even the FBI:
@FBI on Twitter
Or go to

Please Share with President Trump and anyone in his circle also!

If we make enough people aware and put enough pressure on those listed above we can help President Trump expose the corruption that's keeping this box closed because once enough people are aware, they can't keep using blackmail as their protection.
It's up to you to do your part. You can sit on the sidelines and wait to be saved or at least say you did what you could to stand up to the Deep State. The choice is yours.

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