1. The New Covenant requires OBEDIENCE, because YOU are sanctified & set apart with God through Jesus!

    The New Covenant requires OBEDIENCE, because YOU are sanctified & set apart with God through Jesus!

  2. Do not be concerned about who opposes YOU, because it is the LORD who shakes the heavens and earth!

    Do not be concerned about who opposes YOU, because it is the LORD who shakes the heavens and earth!

  3. You are made complete when God's presence floods your life, and have an abundance in EVERYTHING!

    You are made complete when God's presence floods your life, and have an abundance in EVERYTHING!

  4. There is only ONE Faith, and one HOLY SPIRIT bringing us into perfect UNITY through the LORD Jesus!

    There is only ONE Faith, and one HOLY SPIRIT bringing us into perfect UNITY through the LORD Jesus!

  5. Injustice and Evil will ALWAYS be present in the World, and your words will impact your environment!

    Injustice and Evil will ALWAYS be present in the World, and your words will impact your environment!

  6. Ripple Labs Stellar Electroneum Space Craft In The Cosmos

    Ripple Labs Stellar Electroneum Space Craft In The Cosmos

  7. There will be DECEIVERS in these Last Days that will attempt to Change the Teachings of Jesus!

    There will be DECEIVERS in these Last Days that will attempt to Change the Teachings of Jesus!

  8. Jesus is the WORD made Manifest, and the LIGHT in this World that will GUIDE YOU!

    Jesus is the WORD made Manifest, and the LIGHT in this World that will GUIDE YOU!

  9. Godliness will Keep YOU from Walking in your old Lifestyle of Sin, and to walk in your calling!

    Godliness will Keep YOU from Walking in your old Lifestyle of Sin, and to walk in your calling!

  10. The Victory that You have in your life will help others have victory in their lives!

    The Victory that You have in your life will help others have victory in their lives!

  11. Give ALL of your concerns CONTINUALLY to the LORD Jesus, & he will Raise YOU Up, & impart Blessing!

    Give ALL of your concerns CONTINUALLY to the LORD Jesus, & he will Raise YOU Up, & impart Blessing!

  12. The cleansing of the Lord's House is taking place in the days ahead, as in the days of Old!

    The cleansing of the Lord's House is taking place in the days ahead, as in the days of Old!

  13. The Wicked will bring Destruction upon themselves, and NOTHING needs to be done, it will HAPPEN!

    The Wicked will bring Destruction upon themselves, and NOTHING needs to be done, it will HAPPEN!

  14. Surrender and LOVE is the instruction going forward in your walk with the LORD!

    Surrender and LOVE is the instruction going forward in your walk with the LORD!

  15. You can RENEW your ENTIRE being with the WORD of GOD, as YOU lead your spouse with the word!

    You can RENEW your ENTIRE being with the WORD of GOD, as YOU lead your spouse with the word!

  16. Honor, Respect, and Contentment are a form of Godliness; whereas, some turned it into a Business!

    Honor, Respect, and Contentment are a form of Godliness; whereas, some turned it into a Business!

  17. You can see the Glory of God, if YOU will invite JESUS in to come and VISIT You that way!

    You can see the Glory of God, if YOU will invite JESUS in to come and VISIT You that way!

  18. You cannot write people off because they are useless to YOU!

    You cannot write people off because they are useless to YOU!

  19. The greatest spectacle in ALL creation is not the angels. It is the LORD Jesus!

    The greatest spectacle in ALL creation is not the angels. It is the LORD Jesus!

  20. The LORD can and will have mercy on those who deserted YOU or went off course!

    The LORD can and will have mercy on those who deserted YOU or went off course!

  21. It is in the place of REST with the LORD Jesus that his word can do a work in your life!

    It is in the place of REST with the LORD Jesus that his word can do a work in your life!

  22. You can have SUPERNATURAL encounters with the LORD, as YOU remain connected by Faith IN Jesus!

    You can have SUPERNATURAL encounters with the LORD, as YOU remain connected by Faith IN Jesus!

  23. The hope that You have no matter what circumstance you may be facing is in the LORD Jesus!

    The hope that You have no matter what circumstance you may be facing is in the LORD Jesus!

  24. The LORD will Send People to Comfort and Encourage your People, as YOU endure Persecution for Jesus!

    The LORD will Send People to Comfort and Encourage your People, as YOU endure Persecution for Jesus!
