CBDCs | The Federal Reserve Creates the Problem That Leads to the Federal Reserve's CBDC Final Solution | "We Did (Flood the System with Money." - Jerome Powell (Fed Reserve Chairman)
Bunkers | Why Are Billionaires Building Big Bunkers? Isaiah 2:19-21, Daniel 2:41-42, Revelation 6:14-17 "When the Flood Comes Scientists Will Build a Noah's Ark for ELITE Leaving the Rest to Drown." - Yuval Noah Harari
General Flynn & Dr. Mikovits | “We Have to Win This Election!” - Flynn + 5 Updates Including: NC Flood Crisis, Port Strike, 400 Iranian Missiles Into Israel, Diddy Exposed, New BRICS Currency, Diddy’s Exposed & mRNA Being Pushed?
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 12.19.24 | Contending for the Faith With Aaron Antis + BREAKING NEWS!!! "The Technology We Are Developing Elevates Us to the Status of Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari (9/13/2018)