Peter Daszak | Why Did Peter Daszak Reference "Chinese Colleagues" Developing "Killer" Coronaviruses? "You End Up w/ a Small Number of Viruses That Look Like Killers."
Yuval Noah Harari | "People Don't Want to Hear That They Are Hackable Animals. Now That We Realize That Our Brains Can Be Hacked We Need an Anti-Virus for the Brain. An A.I. Side-Kick That Monitors You 24 Hours Per Day."
Yuval Noah Harari | "It's Not An Extremely Deadly Virus. It's Not the Black Death & Look What It's Doing to the World. Think of the Implications of a bigger Problem Like Climate Change. You Can LOCK DOWN Entire Countries."
FTX | The FTX Collapse Explained | The Connection Between Sam Bankman-Fried, Democratic Fund Raising, SEX, Drugs & Creating a Billion Dollars Out of Thin Air?