Mother & daughter celebrate 21st birthday in unique way

5 years ago

It was exactly 21 years ago when Serena was born. And although, Kristy and her husband had two boys already, Serena was their first girl. Having two older brothers, Serena had her hands full as she grew up and she never left any doubt that she was as capable and determined as they were. Kristy and Dave were scuba diving fanatics and it was only natural that the kids in the family also fell in love with the sport.

Serena was 13 when she first strapped on air tanks and certified as an open water diver. Since that time, she has dived in Mexico, Belize, Cayman Islands, Cuba, and Ontario and she has swam with sea turtles, whale sharks, reef sharks, and stingrays. She loves scuba diving with the same passion as her mother, Kristy. There's a unique joy in mother/daughter moments for most families, especially when those moments involve thrills and adventure. So, when Serena's 21st birthday rolled around, Kristy started planning an event that would be more special and more memorable than the average family birthday party. She arranged a family outing with Float n' Flag Dive Centre in Burlington that would involve being whisked along in the fast current on the Niagara River. This drift dive would not only be exciting and fun for the family, it would also provide them with a PADI certification and a new set of skills. Led by Brad, Martin, Bruce, and Trevor, this family were in good hands as they plunged into the fast flowing water.

Serena and Kristy were partnered up, being "dive buddies", as it is referred to in the scuba diving world. They swam out from shore and submerged together, quickly starting a 40 minute journey that gives a diver the sensation of flying over the bottom. Most divers can't help but extend their arms like wings and watch rocks, logs, and fish go past as quickly as a fast person could run. Serena was no exception and she can be seen enjoying the moment and the feeling of freedom.

Kristy recorded part of the dive and others recorded as Serena and Kristy emerged from the river. The footage shows these two adventurous women celebrating the anniversary of a very wonderful day. Kristy was actually in tears after this dive as she explained to the group that it felt very significant to know that it was 21 years earlier that Serena was a fragile little bundle being held in her arms, and now she was joining Kristy on such a wonderful and adventurous dive.

The Niagara River runs along the border of Canada and the United States of America. It is one of the most famous wonders of the world. Many people see the falls and the river from above., but few people are lucky enough to see it from under the surface. It is only fitting that such a special day was celebrated in such a special place. It was a dive that this family will not soon forget.

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