PRESIDENT TRUMP WON ARIZONA IN 2020! There Were 58,550 ILLEGAL Ballots Cast In Maricopa County & Election Needs To Be SET ASIDE / NULL & VOID. MOST candidates Illegitimately In Office Now! EVIDENCE = Official Canvass Report
Tucker Carlson | Tucker Carlson's Full RNC Speech | "Everything Was Different After That Moment. When He Stood Up After Being Shot In the Face & Put His Hand Up. That Was a Transformation. It Was Divine Intervention" - 7/18/24
WW3 Update: BOMBSHELL! A Ticking Time Bomb is About to Go Off in Trump's Face / The Economic Collapse Biden left for the USA. This will take out a lot of banks you have money in. 13m
Fractional Reserve Banking | "Up Until Covid Banks Had to Keep On Hand 10% of Your Deposit, Then They Could Lend Out the Other 90%. When Covid Hit, They Got Rid of Those Rules. Then Banks Only Had to Keep 0% of My Deposit."