"Riba" is Usury ("Lust of Money")

3 months ago

SHEIK IMRAN HOSEIN and "SHEIK-SPEARE" Oppose "A POUND OF FLESH" in book "The Merchant of Venice".

The "Victory" of the "Banksters" in their "Crusades" against all the indigenous people's was finally sealed with this last effort to eliminate the Palestinians who were the final resistance symbol of those opposed to the "Global Land thieves and Desecrators", who promote the (holy) ruse that the "Spiritual" and cultural headquarters of world benevolence is in the land of old Canaan. The root of this attempt to justify all the present and past malevolent attacks on "Peace-loving" people's has its higher intensive beginnings in the worship of of many "idols" associated with "War and Blood Sacrifice (often Human)" usually by the "Elite beneficiaries" of these endeavors. The most recent of these attacks is unfortunately associated with those who have been long practitioners with the "Abrahamic" religions of which principles actually include the glorification of "Blood Sacrifice" (as a means to obtaining unlimited and unending rewards of "Power and (obscene) Wealth").

These "Practitioners" particularly include the descendants of the "Mechant Classes (or Caste's)"of the Pharisaic/ Masonic/ Holy Roman 'Franks' 4th Reich Empire"/ Union of Jack-ob" people of Abrahamic origin (both of Isaac and Ishmail) who developed thru the centuries as constant competitors of each other and (via continuous deception and posturing as their people's "saviors") were allowed to developed and thrive thru the centuries . Only a few outstanding notable figureheads prominantly stand out as opponents to these "exploiters, usuers, and abettors" thru the centuries (with especially Yeshua Issa being the most exemplary with his "Whip" in hand against the "Money [ex-]Changers" displaying the necessary FORCE to "Enforce" against this malevolence).

As it seems that no follower of these "Abrahamic" opponents to their own history has been successful in actually eliminating the source of this constant deception and posturing (i.e ... there is not a single bank in the world that does not empoy interest in their protocol) ...Iram Hosein too has taken up this mantle and joined the list of other "Anti-Usury" notables (some even of other religions and "non-religions) and at least exposes the vicious exploitative nature of these "War" and the "Predatory Elitist (Leech-type) Banking System (based on 'Interest')" paradigms which controls the world.

It should be noted that especially those of the "Abrahamics" who have become the most recent active practitioners of the "War and Blood Sacrifice" paradigm are those who created their new (300 A.D.) document to support "Usury" (negating their previous "Anti-usury Torah" document) are the "Merchant Caste" ones associated with the Pharisaic Jacobite section who usurped power over their "peers".

It should also be noted that it is no accident that the Templar Masonics of "Great Britain" and the "U.S. Masonic Constitutionalists" (apologist for the "Usury Bankster /Wall Street-NASDAQ Practitioners) have also thrown their weight behind this effort of recent attacks on the "Peace-loving" people's. As the U.S. is in a DEFCON war status, they have joined the "global coup d'etat" by the militaries of the world to now have the "banksters" do all their bidding... unhindered by having to "Posture" as some kind of "democratic" entity. For the U.S. this was done in 2020 by then POTUS D. Trump as his last executive order... turning power over to the "Space force (aka Air Force)". This order has never been rescinded.

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