Dollar Collapse | "On 8/22/23 In South Africa, the BRICS Nations Are Meeting, What Does That Meeting Mean to You?" - Robert Kiyosaki "If They Create This Currency Backed By Gold This Will Be the Largest
BRICS | What's the Connection of Globalism to Illegal Immigration? Will the BRICS Nations Announced a New Gold-Backed Reserve Currency? Are Our Politicians Merely Puppets? + Why Is TX Gov Abbott a Member of the World Economic Forum? Ann Vandersteel
BRICS | Why Did Egypt Officially Ditch the U.S. Dollar? Why Is Nigeria No Longer Accepting U.S. Dollars As Payment for Oil & May Return to a Gold-Backed Currency + "The System Is Broken And Eventually It Is Going to Collapse." - Edward G. Gr
BRICS | Are Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa & The BRICS Block Preparing to Introduce a New Gold-Backed Reserve Currency? "People Cannot Get Out of the Way of Things That They Cannot See Coming Towards Them." - Robert Kiyosaki
Gold Standard | "Dollar Needs to Be Gold-Backed Again. Can That Do It?" - Dr. Judy Shelton | "The Signs Are There: The Gold Standard Is Coming Back." - Forbes
Bo Polny | Gold Standard | "Dollar Needs to Be Gold-Backed Again. Can That Do It?" - Dr. Judy Shelton | "The Signs Are There: The Gold Standard Is Coming Back." - Forbes
Dollar Collapse | "The BRICS Nations Are Supposedly Set to Announce to the World Their New Currency Which Jim Rickards Anticipates to Be Backed By Gold. Rickards Expects Them to Make That Announcement Aug 22nd At the BRICS Meeting." - Schectman