BRICS Created by the Banksters. BRICS = Gold Backed CBDC Tied to Social Credit Score 8-4-2023

1 year ago

BRICS Created by the Banksters. BRICS = Gold Backed CBDC Tied to Social Credit Score 8-4-2023
This is a Must Hear.
Sarah Westall - Clay Clark - Jim Rickards
The International Banksters have been working on the Creation of BRICS for Decades.
The Financial Inner workings are Based upon Clones of The World Bank and the IMF - International Monetary Fund. It is also Directly Tied to the BIS - Bank of International Settelements
Klaus Schwab and the WEF are Big Supporters of China and the BRICS Global Financial System. That should tell you everything you need to know...
For the Full Interview See Below:

Sarah Westall: BEWARE, 3 Problems with the New BRICS Currency w/ Clay Clark 8-4-2023
Clay Clark, the mastermind behind the Reawakening America Tour, rejoins the program to discuss the BRICS currency that is barreling down on the world. He brings up 3 major issues with it's implementation. We also discuss the World Economic Forum and the games they are playing with the people of the world. Learn more about the Reawakening America Tour at
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