You can't make this shit up. Democrats are now trying to get Biden to put Kamala on the Supreme Court: "She has a legal pedigree.. let Republicans go crazy.. let them know that the chaos has not ended just yet."
You can't make this shit up. World leaders at G20 take the group photo without Biden, then walk off: "Where's Biden?.. Oh, my God... Do you see him, Joe?.. Far left, left... To the left of the palm tree. Oh, my God..."
You can't make this shit up. Democrat Joy Behar admits that Covid vaccines don't work: "I've been boosted and boosted and boosted so I got Covid, it doesn't prevent you from getting Covid."
You can't make this shit up: Democrat Mayorkas admits that he knows that children are being trafficked but tells fake news media that he and his department have nothing to do about it, eventually blames "the broken system."