you can change _____ and you're still gonna feel like shit

2 years ago

it plumb pisses me all the way off...
welcome to the world, it's pretty cruel
...will play you for a fool if you don't understand it (but we do x?)
absolutely refuse to do ______
not sari that i'm smarter than you wanted me to be
better than the doctors ever thought i could be
not ever mfing sari to anything but the Lord (and those that i've screwed over)
BC AG, comatose
yelling and flayling back in the day
was that fun tho hahaha
fuckin up being a degenerate, makin excuses for it, there's sumin to it
three tattoos
lie to yourself about everything but you'll still be the same thing
you'll never be free if you do this crap
that bitch is probably controlled
fuck oprah
i like that fade out that i didn't plan
sumin up that ain't sumin good haha so true
marianne williamson says shit i like tho
best impression ever
i love those soothing voices
i enjoy it sometimes i will admit that shit
coming at the spiritual nature from a different language
if they're taken in by the evil spirits of the world, working for them without even realizing
wanting what they've been told is best for the world
it's all about fitting in
the last time i shaved...
i was so in love with that mf
he'd smoke all my cigarettes and drive my car around
piece of garbage that took advantage of so many situations (and i totally let him)
that's what he wanted, i'd do anything, that's the kinda submissive
and that's the one that i adhered to haha true story there
the sex was amazing becuz i was so in love with him
back when i was attempting to be "normal"
that decade is on another level of shitty decisions
right right right i love myself so much

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