2 years agoYOU REALLY THINK FOOD PRICES ARE GOING TO COME DOWN….THEY GOT NO FOOD LEFT TO BRING FOOD PRICES DOWN WITH!!!🕎 2 Esdras 16:22 “For many of them that dwell upon earth shall perish of famine; (Millions will Perish from lack of food, Cannibalism)RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
7 years agoAncient Carving Uncovered - Giant Serpent Beings Eating Humans - Predates BibleLeak ProjectVerified
2 years agoFeeding hungry cat from hand. Grey kitten eating from human palm close-upAnimal Kingdom Channel
5 months agoAlex Clark: The next generation of children is predicted to not outlive their parentsnewstart2024Verified
2 years agoTHE FILM “THE ROAD” JACOB’S TROUBLE 144,000….GREAT HORRIBLE TIMES & CANNIBALISM. 🕎2 Esdras 16;1-28 KJV, 2 Esdras 15;1-28 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
2 years agoWILLIAM "BILL" COOPER MYSTERY BABYLON 26 OF 42 - AMERICA'S ASSIGNMENT WITH DESTINY PART2 (mirrored)The Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend - a resource for truthseekers
2 years agoNWO making humans hate God & masculinity & Whites & Russia to release millions demons to eat humansChristianRapture