Alex Clark: The next generation of children is predicted to not outlive their parents

4 months ago

"The next generation of children is predicted to not outlive their parents if we continue on the trajectory that we are currently on. When in human history has that ever been the case?
We are fatter than any prior generation at this age. We're having more fertility issues. New cancer diagnoses in the US are projected to top two million for the first time this year. And these new cases are almost all driven by young people. This is according to American Cancer Society data. What happened? Growing up, millennials were handed health advice that was inaccurate, mistaken, or downright fabricated. Almost.
Everything that we were taught about food and health was made up. The only guidance that we received on what to eat came in 1992 via the food pyramid. A completely manipulated work of fake public health crafted by the Department of Agriculture. The food pyramid told us that all fat was bad, a lie.
It told us to make complex carbs like pasta, bread, and processed breakfast cereal the bedrock of our diet, not because it was healthy, but because it was the most profitable recommendation for Big Ag and Big Food. We became the first generation subjected to sugary, fattening, inflammatory foods, deliberately engineered to be as addictive as heroin, thanks to the food companies buying the scientists from the cigarette companies for that exact purpose. In the 80s and 90s, the same era as the food pyramid scam, youth obesity tripled from 5% to 15%. Today in 2024, close to half of all American kids are overweight or obese. Now, why are you surprised? Ultra processed foods make up 70% of the calories that kids eat now. Now, most of us millennial girls got our first period when we were 13 to 15 years old.
Pediatricians wasted no time telling us that there was a magic pill that could solve all of our problems in a 10-minute wellness checkup with no informed consent about the risks or side effects. What problems were we solving exactly? A couple pimples. We were advised to not worry about learning to track our cycle or understand our hormones. No conversation about how our likelihood to experience anxiety or depression would increase by 80 percent on the pill.
10 to 15 years went by on the hormonal birth control pill. We stayed on the pill because no one advised us it was only ever supposed to be taken temporarily. Then we wanted to have children. We got off birth control for the first time in our adult lives only to discover that we had major fertility issues that the hormonal birth control hid. Infertility is going up 1% every year.
Suddenly, starting a family means spending tens of thousands of dollars on IVF and other fertility treatments because even more medical interventions are always the first solution rather than addressing the root causes of the problem. If the IVF even works, millennial moms are seeing the same drama play out for their own children, but on a far greater scale. They want to raise healthy kids, they do. But where can they go for info? The studies are bought and paid for by the food companies. They look for unbiased info on the news, but that's funded by big pharma.
In 2022, the pharmaceutical industry spent an average of $1 billion per month on advertising in the United States. What news company is going to risk reporting the truth if it means missing out on advertising dollars like that? Their pediatrician, these moms' pediatrician, had less than a day of nutrition training in all their years of medical school. They don't even know what seed oils are when they ask about them.
If one of my listeners has a child today, there is a one in 50 chance that child will have a deadly peanut allergy, four times what it was just a few decades ago. And that rate is rising. Children today are about 20% more likely to develop type one diabetes than they were 20 years ago. Childhood cancer rates are rising a percentage point every year, asthma is up, so is ADHD, allergies, virtually every type of psychological disorder.
In 1980, autism was diagnosed at a rate of just three or four per hundred thousand kids. Today, a newborn child has a one in thirty-six chance that he or she will be autistic. And that rate is also rising every year. Who cares about politics if the next generation is dead or close to it before they can even vote?"

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