4 years ago📻 NEW!! Yaesu FT-DX10 HF/6M Hybrid SDR Ham Radio Transceiver Review, Making Contacts!!!!KJ4YZIVerified
7 months ago1939 Film: New Zealand Shortwave Communications; Morse code (CW)Amateur Ham Radio Shortwave (LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF) Communications + Space Weather
3 years agoExpert Electronics MB1 Prime 2021 SDR, Overall Review, Ham Radio SDR HF/6M/2M With Built In PCKJ4YZIVerified
2 years agoTana Goertz Personally Thanks the “Asphalt Cowboys” for Their Sacrifice & Service to this CountryIowaRaw
2 years agoTana Goertz Personally Thanks the “Asphalt Cowboys” for Their Sacrifice & Service to this CountryIowaRaw