Tana Goertz Personally Thanks the “Asphalt Cowboys” for Their Sacrifice & Service to this Country

2 years ago

May 11, 2022 at the Farm Boy Garage in Des Moines, Iowa, the People’s Convoy passed through. Farm Boy Garage provided free Little Caesar’s pizza, soda, and water to attendees. Several speakers gave speeches on the matter of freedom, the constitution, concerns of sexual grooming and indoctrination in the schools, and medical privacy. Some of the speakers present were Tana Goertz, Jim Carlin, Gary Leffler, Gina Spampinato, Emily Peterson, Rachel Cadena.

Tana Goertz, former senior advisor to Donald Trump's campaign and TV personality when she was the runner-up on both NBC hit shows, “The Apprentice” & “Reality Stars Fear Factor, ” was among the speakers.

Tana starts off by thanking the truckers for their support. Tana then follows with a brief background about herself:

“You heard that I worked for President Donald Trump. I think Bob said that, but if not, I am Tana. I was on Donald Trump’s show the Apprentice seventeen years ago, stayed in touch with Donald Trump…Uh I call him a friend. I love his family. I love him, and I love everything that he has done for this great country. Don’t you guys?
Crowd cheers.

“Don’t you love the man? Yeah he’s incredible. I was just with him last week at Mar a Lago, and I told him how much I love him. I gave him a hug, and I just said thank you from the bottom of our heart. We have never met a person tough enough to do and say what that man has done. So I want to say to you truckers, to you people who are putting everything on the line, sacrificing time away from your family, money, your jobs, friendships, putting yourself at risk, putting your lives at risk, the financial strain….Don’t think it goes unnoticed. As I said, I was a senior advisor for President Trump. I met a lot of incredible patriots along the way. The number one question I get when I travel the country speaking is: “What was your favorite part?” Cause there was a lot of parts about that job I hated. My number one favorite part of being on his campaign in 2016 as well as in 2020 was meeting the blue collar patriots.”

Tana continues to tell the truckers “But what you all are doing is incredible, and don’t think for one second that our great president doesn’t see you, isn’t watching you, and isn’t applauding you for being bold and brave. So everybody give these great people a round of applause. You all are absolute freedom fighters and fricken fantastic. I love you and so does Trump. Because at the end of the day when he came down that golden escalator and said hey Tana I need you to quit your three jobs that you love…What? I don’t want to quit my jobs that I loved. I was a professional speaker; I had a radio show here in Des Moines….Any Hey Tana time fans? Did any of you guys watch my show? Well it’s crazy. It was super fun, and I loved it. And he said I’m gonna need you to quit all those jobs because you’re gonna be working a lot of hours to get me elected and if we don’t win Iowa, I’m gonna blame you. And I was like oh no pressure at all. Uh so I said sure. So I quit my jobs, and I put it all on the line, but I did that because he was bold. He was not like anybody else. He sure as hell wasn’t a wimp. He wasn’t a coward. He wasn’t a squid, like most of the politicians that say stuff and never deliver on those promises. Donald Trump says “Hell no!” What comes out of his mouth, he delivers on. I like that. I like alpha males. I don’t want no beta bitch. No beta bitch. I can say that now cause I’m my own boss.”

To visit Tana's website, you can go to:

Tana Goertz: https://heytana.com/

Other speakers/sponsors at the event included:

Jacob Hall: The Iowa Standard: https://theiowastandard.com/
Farm Boy Garage: http://farmboygarage.com/
Overpasses for America: https://gab.com/groups/6254
Emily Peterson: Iowa Stands United: https://www.iowans4freedom.org/freeiowa
Jim Carlin: Senate Member : https://carlinforussenate.com/
Gina Spampinato & Trent Thevenot
Michelle Lindell: Sweet to Eat Bakery : https://www.sweettoeatllc.com/
Rachel Cadena: Americans for Medical Freedom: https://www.facebook.com/americansformedicalfreedom/

Videos will be going up at www.iowaraw.com

# HF 2545 Medical Privacy & Freedom Act
# People's Act
# No Mandates
# Emergency Powers Act
# Freedom Fighters
# Iowans 4 Freedom
# Midwest Freedom Convoy
# American Freedom Convoy
# People’s Convoy
# The Iowa Standard

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