1. The NFSC members have bravely risked their lives to bring forth crucial intelligence

    The NFSC members have bravely risked their lives to bring forth crucial intelligence

  2. Wu Guohua, the late Deputy Commander of the Rocket Force of the PLA was a supporter of the NFSC

    Wu Guohua, the late Deputy Commander of the Rocket Force of the PLA was a supporter of the NFSC

  3. The obituary of Li Keqiang published by the CCP's state media repeatedly mentions Xi and the Party

    The obituary of Li Keqiang published by the CCP's state media repeatedly mentions Xi and the Party

  4. Keep an eye on the CCP’s internal political struggles and the new House Speaker

    Keep an eye on the CCP’s internal political struggles and the new House Speaker

  5. The CCP is a transnational terrorist organization that has been funding terrorist groups globally

    The CCP is a transnational terrorist organization that has been funding terrorist groups globally

  6. The New Federal State of China has hundreds of millions of supporters

    The New Federal State of China has hundreds of millions of supporters

  7. If the U.S. fully decouples from and stops supporting the CCP, the CCP will be finished

    If the U.S. fully decouples from and stops supporting the CCP, the CCP will be finished

  8. The CCP lied that the NFSC members participating in Ukraine's rescue efforts were sent by them

    The CCP lied that the NFSC members participating in Ukraine's rescue efforts were sent by them

  9. The CCP is not a competitor of the U.S., but rather a transnational terrorist organization

    The CCP is not a competitor of the U.S., but rather a transnational terrorist organization

  10. Xi Jinping sees the economic collapse in the West as a golden opportunity to attack Taiwan

    Xi Jinping sees the economic collapse in the West as a golden opportunity to attack Taiwan

  11. We are very concerned that the $7 trillion the U.S. has invested in the CCP might be lost

    We are very concerned that the $7 trillion the U.S. has invested in the CCP might be lost

  12. The CCP will soon be gone! What if Xi died?

    The CCP will soon be gone! What if Xi died?

  13. Why do the Davos people admire Xi Jinping so much?

    Why do the Davos people admire Xi Jinping so much?

  14. Where is the money for the flood victims in China? How will they carry on with their lives?

    Where is the money for the flood victims in China? How will they carry on with their lives?

  15. Xi Jinping may attack Taiwan once the CCP's economy collapses and the West is weakened

    Xi Jinping may attack Taiwan once the CCP's economy collapses and the West is weakened

  16. Investigating MSM, social media, and big tech companies to find out who funds them is crucial

    Investigating MSM, social media, and big tech companies to find out who funds them is crucial

  17. Xi aims to showcase to dictators worldwide his ability to handle or even control the U.S.

    Xi aims to showcase to dictators worldwide his ability to handle or even control the U.S.

  18. The new axis of evil and all the dictators look up to Xi Jinping as their role model

    The new axis of evil and all the dictators look up to Xi Jinping as their role model

  19. Xi Jinping not only aims to take out the US dollar but also pushes the digitalization of the RMB

    Xi Jinping not only aims to take out the US dollar but also pushes the digitalization of the RMB

  20. More dictatorships to join the new Axis of Evil, leading to the proliferation of nuke and bioweapons

    More dictatorships to join the new Axis of Evil, leading to the proliferation of nuke and bioweapons
