The CCP is not a competitor of the U.S., but rather a transnational terrorist organization

1 year ago

10/3/2023 【Roy on Outside the Beltway @RealAmVoice】Roy Guo: The CCP is not a competitor of the United States, but rather the most dangerous transnational terrorist organization in the world and a threat to the free world. This issue is nonpartisan. In some way, investing in the CCP means supporting its genocides and brazen actions against the whole world.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/3/2023 【罗伊做客Outside the Beltway 节目】罗伊:中共不是美国的竞争者,而是全球最危险的跨国恐怖组织和对自由世界的威胁,而且这个事实与党派无关。在某种程度上讲,投资中共就是支持中共进行种族灭绝和对抗全世界的恶劣行径。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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