Canadian Family Seek Asylum in U.S. After Trudeau Regime Threatens to Euthanize Disabled Son/President Trump Announces DEAL FOR HOSTAGES IN THE MIDDLE EAST /Russia’s FM Says Biden Is Trying To Spoil Everything Before Trump Arrives
Jim Caviezel | "After The Passion I Couldn't Get a Job. The Studios Wouldn't Hire Me Because They Are All Controlled By the Central Banks. Who Are the Puppeteers? Is the Central Bank Trying to EAT Our Freedoms?
Three Boys Shot After Trying to Rob Texas Man at Gunpoint at His Home/Donald Trump: “I don’t want to brag, but we were right about just about everything”/Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes Says She Will Not Comply with Trump’s Deportation Efforts
Jake Tapper: There’s a ‘Discernible Pattern’ of Democratic Officials Trying to Convince the Public to Not Believe What They Saw and Heard at the Debate
HOPEGIRL: "We know their tricks. WBAN Obfuscation. This is what we deal with every day when trying to educate people about what has been done to them" #transhumanism #wban #sabrinawallace