The Great Reset | "The Fourth Industrial Is An All-Consuming Industrial Revolution. Affecting All Services, All Products, All Countries, and All People. It's Going to Lead to Job Destruction. All of This Has Been Set
CBDCs | How Will Central Bank Digital Currencies Work? The CEO of Quant.Network Gilbert Verdian, Lead World Economic Forum Advisor Yuval Noah Harari & The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements Agustín Carstens Explain
Elon Musk | Why Is Musk Spending Time w/ Immanuel Macron? Why Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy Spending Time w/ Immanuel Macron? Why Is Immanuel Macron Spending Time w/ Yuval Noah Harari? Why Did Musk Choose a WEF Member to Lead Twitter?
False Prophet | Israel | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Biggest Protests In the History of Israel? This False Prophet Acts EXACTLY How Revelation Predicted
UMass Boston: 2 Men w/ Mic & Camera Heckle Me, Admin Moves Me, Students Start Engaging w/ Me (1 hr & 18 min mark), Ministering To 2 Female Agnostics, Then Crowd of 30 Students Forms, Samuel, A Christian Student, Starts Preaching, Holy Spirit Falls
Leigh Dundas | "Don't Ever Forget Where The Road Of Totalitarianism Leads, Because I Am Here To Tell You Right Now It Leads Straight To The Bowels Of Hell."