Archbishop Vigano | "In Short, Klaus Schwab Is Threatening the Heads of Government to Carry Out the Great Reset In Their Nations. It is a Global Coup D'Etat."
Yuval Noah Harari | "What Will Happen to Politics In Your Country When Somebody In San Francisco or Bejing Knows the Entire Medical and Personal History of Politician, Every Judge and Journalist In Your Country"
Rishi Sunak | Who Is Rishi Sunak? Why Is the New U.K. Prime Minister Pushing Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies, Digital IDS and Infosys Technology Endorsed by the World Economic Forum?
Yuval Noah Harari | Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce Ten Universal Commandments | "In the 10 Commandments You Have an Endorsement of Slavery," "A World with Completely Different Laws,"
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are In the Process of Developing Divine Abilities and Turning Ourselves Into Gods and I Mean This In the Most Literal Sense Possible, It's Not a Metaphor"