Yuval Noah Harari | "You Don't Need Any Religion or Any Government to Have Morality Because Morality Is Not About Obeying a Certain Set of Laws Because Morality Is About Suffering."
Ron Johnson | Summary Of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson's 3-Hour Washington D.C. COVID-19 Roundtable Meeting "People In the U.K. That Took the COVID-19 Vaccine Have a 26% Higher Mortality Rate."
CBDC | "The Central Banks Have Decided to Take Over. The Ultimate Completion of This Will Be When They Introduce Central Currencies Controlled and Operated by the Central Bank. The Goal of the Vaccine Passports Have Nothing to Do with Health."
Archbishop Vigano | "In Short, Klaus Schwab Is Threatening the Heads of Government to Carry Out the Great Reset In Their Nations. It is a Global Coup D'Etat."
Elon Musk | Musk's Neural Link Event + "You Can Record Memories.You're Really Getting In BLACK MIRROR Stuff Here." + "You Could Store Your Memories As a Backup and Ultimately Download Them Into a New Body."
Kathy Barnette | HIS GLORY | A God-Fearing Patriot Who Was Born to a 12 Year-Old Mother & Who Could Have Been Aborted | ReAwaken America Tour Pennsylvania
CBDCs | "You Might Be Thinking That This Kind of Authoritarian Control Over Your Money Is Not Going to Be Anything That We Will See In the Future. Unfortunately This Is Already Implemented In the World." - Sorelle Amore
Yuval Noah Harari | "What Will Happen to Politics In Your Country When Somebody In San Francisco or Bejing Knows the Entire Medical and Personal History of Politician, Every Judge and Journalist In Your Country"