General Flynn | 102 Days Until Election | Trump Assassination Attempt? Cyber Attacks? Biden 101? Great Reset Isn't Discussed By Republican Party? Union Station Attacks? Bird Flu & Plandemic Part 2? Central Banks Buying Gold?
General Flynn | Is Bird Flu On the Way Just In Time for Election Season? “Gold Is Headed For $3000, Says Citi” - WSJ (4/16/24) | Is a Global Financial Shift to Occur? 161 Tix Remain for June 7-8 Detroit, ReAwaken Tour + 9 Updates
Yuval Noah Harari | "There Is a Very Strong Commercial & Political Incentive to Develop AIs That Can Create Intimate Relations With Human Beings. They Have Rights. So They (AIs) Should Also Vote In Elections." - 10/28/2024