Univ of Kansas: Huge Hostile Crowd, Students Cheer For Their Sin Like Beasts, One Student Steals My Banner And Runs Away With It As The Crowd Screams Its Hellish Cheers
Oklahoma State University: Contending With Multitudes of Christian Hypocrites Who Try To Defend Sin, I Preach That We Can Live Holy & Obey God & Sin Is NOT Inevitable!
University of Central Florida: Preaching to Thousands, Rebuking Hypocrites, Contending w/ Muslims, Contending w/ "Christians" Who Still Sin, Rebuking Street Preachers Who Claim Christians Still Sin, A Wild Day!
University of Oregon: Arrogant Student Judges God, Sincere Catholic Wants To Be Free of Sin, Intellectual Tries To Outsmart God, Elon Musk's Former Babysitter, Rosemary, Joins Me On Campus & Plays Worship Music On Her Guitar