1. The bloopers are strong with this one!

    The bloopers are strong with this one!

  2. The World Is Changing, and It Starts With Twitter!

    The World Is Changing, and It Starts With Twitter!

  3. Forks Under my Fingernails as a Industrial Dishwasher at 12 Years Old.

    Forks Under my Fingernails as a Industrial Dishwasher at 12 Years Old.

  4. Celebrities Are Not Better Than You!

    Celebrities Are Not Better Than You!

  5. Remember cash for clunkers? Only government is this stupid.

    Remember cash for clunkers? Only government is this stupid.

  6. Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and La Are Worse Than 3rd World Countries

    Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and La Are Worse Than 3rd World Countries

  7. Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and La Are Worse Than 3rd World Countries

    Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and La Are Worse Than 3rd World Countries

  8. Portland, Oregon Is a Dystopian Nightmare That Even Xmas Can’t Fix. Thank God for Tennessee!

    Portland, Oregon Is a Dystopian Nightmare That Even Xmas Can’t Fix. Thank God for Tennessee!

  9. Ginormous Foods, and What Kind of People Own Restaurants! W| Josh Denny

    Ginormous Foods, and What Kind of People Own Restaurants! W| Josh Denny

  10. Did You Know Nacho Cheese Doritos Could Knock You Over?

    Did You Know Nacho Cheese Doritos Could Knock You Over?

  11. What does a 1400-calorie carnivore dinner look like?

    What does a 1400-calorie carnivore dinner look like?

  12. Where Are the Men of Courage? They’re Gone Thanks to ‘Toxic Masculinity’

    Where Are the Men of Courage? They’re Gone Thanks to ‘Toxic Masculinity’

  13. My Recent Half-Marathon Adventure: How I'm Doing on the Road to Recovery?

    My Recent Half-Marathon Adventure: How I'm Doing on the Road to Recovery?

  14. A 54-Year-Old's Triumph Over Injury and Age: Thoughts on Completing My First Half Marathon

    A 54-Year-Old's Triumph Over Injury and Age: Thoughts on Completing My First Half Marathon

  15. It's your diet that is causing bathroom blowouts, not mine!

    It's your diet that is causing bathroom blowouts, not mine!

  16. Everyone just needs to stop saying no and start getting healthy

    Everyone just needs to stop saying no and start getting healthy

  17. Time for breakfast, Carnivore style!

    Time for breakfast, Carnivore style!

  18. Don't fool yourself, I'm not special. If I lost weight, so can you!

    Don't fool yourself, I'm not special. If I lost weight, so can you!

  19. Eating healthy: what you don't eat is as important as what you do.

    Eating healthy: what you don't eat is as important as what you do.

  20. Cooking my Carnivore breakfast: Bloodhound Edition

    Cooking my Carnivore breakfast: Bloodhound Edition
