Conducting Diplomatic Negotiations Between Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrials | Chris O'Connor Interviewed by Michael Salla on "Exopolitics Today"
Spaced Invaders (1990 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Comedy | Summary: Believing they're supposed to invade Earth, goofy little green martians land in Illinois on Halloween.
The Law of One Tarot (Archetypes): Space/Time Vs. Time/Space, Past Life Trauma and Passed-Down DNA (Sometimes Passed-Down Disease), Cause & Effect, and More!
#WhiteHatsInControl!?!? What in the Actual F✰CK? They Cram This into EVERY Discussion! WHO HIRED HER for Space Force!? Why Can’t We Just Have a Grand Vision for Becoming a Member of the Interstellar Community without This Bullshit!
Rumble Partied and Fell Asleep This Past Week Because.. You Know… Lil Baby Jesus and Stuff. That’s Not the Way to Compete with BigTech! With Discipline YouTube Can be Turned into “My Space”! | Voice of Indie R Founder in Conversation w/ WE in 5D