#596 Realizing what's important with Building Joy the new TCL series with Teresa Greco

8 months ago

Teresa Greco joins us on this call-in show as we unpack how people are finding happiness. We talk to Anita about taking responsibility for our happiness, creating boundaries, making me-time, and unpacking how childhood effects adulthood. We talk to Sarah about slowing down, letting go of alcohol, decluttering spaces, situations and thoughts, and setting boundaries with family. And finally we talk to Paul about being grateful of opportunities, the joy of simplicity, and letting go of distractions. Tune in as we fill the need for a positive influence in the trades on this episode of The Construction Life Podcast.

Thank you to everyone who called in for this episode! If you want to share your thoughts and be a part of Building Joy, reach out to Manny or Teresa.

Find Teresa Greco of Steps to Happiness at TeresaGreco.ca and @TeresaGreco_StepstoHappiness. Reach out at StepstoTrueHappiness@gmail.com.
Stay connected with The Construction Life Podcast by texting Manny at 416 433-5737 or emailing him at manny@theconstructionlife.com. If you have something to contribute to the podcast, email info@theconstructionlife.com to schedule a time to join us in studio.

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