R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Uyghur-Israel Fellowship (Episode #14 -- Thursday, March 16th, 2023). Chair: Dr. E. Bugda (ENGLAND). Panelists: Prof. K. Barat (U.S.A.), Mr. E. Guttman (TAIWAN), C. Ne'eman, M.A. (ISRAEL), Mr. N. Shaw (ENGLAND)
R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Uyghur-Israel Fellowship (Episode #18 -- Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023). Chairman: E. Bughda (ENGLAND). Participants: K. Barat (USA), Y. Buzzell (BRAZIL), E. Guttman (USA), H. Ne'eman (ISRAEL), N. Shaw (ENGLAND)
Culture War | Moms on a Mission Appears on His Glory News | Anti-American Protestors | This is a Spiritual Battle | Minnesota Students and Teachers Opt Out and Walk Out from “LBGQ ‘Indoctrination’ Lesson”