A Cohort Counting Conspiracies pt 1

3 years ago

Howdy! Welcome to the latest Eclectic ChitChat round table discussion!

Today is basically a 2 hour "We Told You So" and recounting of the past media censorship and lies regarding many of the now "TRUE" items in recent news cycles. Not much to add beyond that, so you'll need to listen for yourself.

Well ok, here's a teaser.

Member everyone bustin' a gut over "Bill Gates is microchipping us!"? Well... here's the old switcheroo on how they gonna get yah!



As always, the Citations:


History of Japanese Internment Camps


Haley Hodgeson


FEMA Camps


Shawn: To be Added (TBA)

Rose: TBA

Meghan: TBA


Liposomal Envelope Escaping injection site


Pre-loaded Narrative Formation
Fact Check-There is no evidence mRNA vaccines reduce life expectancy or cause severe health issues including infertility and neuro-cognitive problems  | Reuters

Fact check: There is no scientific evidence that mRNA vaccines will reduce the population | Reuters

Reality based Rebuttal to the Narrative:

Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: Case Report Focusing on Histopathological Findings - PubMed (nih.gov)
Split Personality Media
No, vaccinated people are not 'just as infectious' as unvaccinated people if they get COVID (theconversation.com)

Covid: Double vaccinated can still spread virus at home - BBC News

Reuters Self Own

CORRECTED-Fact Check- COVID-19 vaccines are not experimental and they have not skipped trial stages  | Reuters

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