2 years ago“Rise Up: Each One By Name” Sunday, January 8th of 2023Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“The Sufficiency of Scripture for the Home” Sunday, June 19th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“The Role of Women in the Church: Part 2”, Sunday, June 26th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“The People Whose God is the Lord” Sunday, November 6th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“That the Church May be Built Up: Part 2” Sunday, May 15th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“The More Excellent Way: Part 2” Sunday, April 24th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“A New Wardrobe: The Best is Yet to Come!” Sunday, August 21st of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“Resurrection and Redemption” Sunday, July 10th of2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“We Give Thanks: Gladness and Gratitude in God” Sunday, November 27th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“Refreshment and Love in Christ”, Sunday, October 16th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
3 years agoSermon Title: “Christmas: The King is Coming! (Part 2)” Sunday, December 19th of 2021Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“2 Options, 2 Men, 2 Resurrections” Sunday, July 24th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“Rise Up: Each One By Name (Part 3)” Sunday, January 22nd of 2023Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
3 years ago“Feasting at the Lord’s Table Part 2: This is My Body” Sunday, January 30th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago"A Mighty Fortress is Our God” Sunday, October 23rd of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
3 years ago“Head Coverings: Gender and Glory, Headship and Honor ( Part 1)” Sunday November 28th of 2021Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
2 years ago“Rise Up: A Call to Rebuild, Revive, and Reform” Sunday, December 11th of 2022Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL
1 year ago“Like those Who Dreamed”, Sunday, September 17th of 2023Reformation Baptist Church Wetumpka, AL