“The More Excellent Way: Part 2” Sunday, April 24th of 2022

2 years ago

Sermon Title: “The More Excellent Way: Part 2”
Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
1.) The Absence of Biblical Love: The Noisy Nothing (1 Cor 13:1-3)
• Spectacular Spirituality and Giftedness (verse 1) – I can be filled with all eloquence.
• Brilliant Insight and Faith (verse 2) - I can be filled with all brilliance.
• Sacrificial Charity and Self-Giving (verse 3) - I can be filled with all benevolence.
2.) The Presence of Biblical Love: The Cardinal Virtue (1 Cor 13:4-7)
“does not envy”
“or boast”
“it is not arrogant” -
“or rude”
“It does not insist on its own way”
“it is not irritable”
“or resentful”
“it does not rejoice at wrongdoing”
“but rejoices with the truth”
“Love bears all things”
“believes all things”
“hopes all things”
“endures all things”

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