1. HCNN - Right Place Right Time. HCR

    HCNN - Right Place Right Time. HCR

  2. Should I Stop Life Support for My 41-Year Old Wife After Cardiac Arrest and Hypoxic Brain Injury?

    Should I Stop Life Support for My 41-Year Old Wife After Cardiac Arrest and Hypoxic Brain Injury?

  3. HCNN - Right Place Right Time HCR.- FINAL CUT" 9-5-23

    HCNN - Right Place Right Time HCR.- FINAL CUT" 9-5-23

  4. free diving underwater incredible live

    free diving underwater incredible live

  5. My Mother is in ICU for 10 Days with COPD & Ventilation, Does She Need a Tracheostomy or Extubation?

    My Mother is in ICU for 10 Days with COPD & Ventilation, Does She Need a Tracheostomy or Extubation?

  6. What are Complications of a Tracheostomy? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

    What are Complications of a Tracheostomy? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

  7. How long does it take to die after a breathing tube is removed? Live stream!

    How long does it take to die after a breathing tube is removed? Live stream!

  8. How Long Before My Loved One Can Be Taken Off the Ventilator&Have Their Breathing Tube Removed?

    How Long Before My Loved One Can Be Taken Off the Ventilator&Have Their Breathing Tube Removed?

  9. Got Naloxone? Alfie Evans Death Drug #Fentanyl Antidote - US Surgeon General Subliminal Clue

    Got Naloxone? Alfie Evans Death Drug #Fentanyl Antidote - US Surgeon General Subliminal Clue

  10. White History Month , More 18th Century Backwardness

    White History Month , More 18th Century Backwardness

  11. LIVE: Rachel Maddow, ADL & Big Pharma Henchmen Launch ATTACK on Christians, Hospital Colludes w/CPS

    LIVE: Rachel Maddow, ADL & Big Pharma Henchmen Launch ATTACK on Christians, Hospital Colludes w/CPS

  12. Why You Need to Avoid Your Critically Ill Loved One Going from ICU to LTAC at All Cost!

    Why You Need to Avoid Your Critically Ill Loved One Going from ICU to LTAC at All Cost!

  13. My Mother is In and Out of ICU with COPD, Needing BiPAP Due to High CO2, Can She Stay Home?

    My Mother is In and Out of ICU with COPD, Needing BiPAP Due to High CO2, Can She Stay Home?

  14. My Husband's Oxygen Saturation Went Down Rapidly, Now He's Back on the Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

    My Husband's Oxygen Saturation Went Down Rapidly, Now He's Back on the Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

  15. My Mother is Day 9 in ICU& Can't Be Extubated After Seizures Even Though She's Awake and Alert! Help

    My Mother is Day 9 in ICU& Can't Be Extubated After Seizures Even Though She's Awake and Alert! Help

  16. My Mother's in ICU Needing Tracheostomy After Heart Attack,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take Her Home?

    My Mother's in ICU Needing Tracheostomy After Heart Attack,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take Her Home?

  17. My Mother is in ICU Needing a Tracheostomy, Is She Able to Go Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

    My Mother is in ICU Needing a Tracheostomy, Is She Able to Go Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

  18. My Ventilated Brother is Slowly Waking Up in ICU,Does He Need a Tracheostomy or Can He be Extubated?

    My Ventilated Brother is Slowly Waking Up in ICU,Does He Need a Tracheostomy or Can He be Extubated?
