MAJOR Reality Shift(s) Unfolding NOW Thru 2025! — A Compilation of Teachers Who Sense the Same Thing (Whether They Call it a Timeline Split, Crossroads, or Major Event); Their Explanation of it, and Their Suggestions for The Upcoming Event(s).
When You Finally Come to Terms with the Fact That it’s Just Not Gonna Happen with Them.. and Gracefully Bow Out! “Too Many Walls” by Cathy Dennis (The Quiet Song Writer of Britney Spears’ “Toxic”, and Many Others).
They Didn’t Hurt You. They SHOWED You Your Hurt. [Emotion/Thought-Forms That Often Hit You in ‘The Void’—The Interim Between Cycles. Process the False Cynicism as to Not Stay in it Too Long.] "What's Love Got To Do With It?" by Tina
♍️ VIRGO | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity. (Orb Alert at 29:50)