Lara Logan | Lara Logan Hosts The Alex Jones Show | EXCLUSIVE: 70,000 Man Terrorist Army Has Been Trained In Afghanistan, Warns Investigative Journalist Lara Logan
RED ALERT: The Desperate Globalists Have Now Launched A Domestic Terrorism Campaign Designed To Collapse The US Economy & Drive Trump From Office! High-Level US Intel Sources Have Directly Warned Alex Jones That He Is The Target Of A Deep State Assass
President George W Bush says e 9/11 terrorists made sure the EXPLOSIVES💣 went off at a HIGH ENOUGH TEMPERATURE💥 to PREVENT people trapped ABOVE👀 from escaping.
NEW US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him!