Trump 2024 | Why Did President Trump Post the Following Video On His TRUTH SOCIAL Account (Aug. 7th 2023)? "They Did Criminally Charge Him. As a Result He Does Have Due Process So He Can Subpoena People And Bring Them In." - Dr. Jan Halper Hayes
Kash Patel | “I Want You To Kill Al Qaeda Senior Leadership, Wipe Out Isis, Bring Home American Hostages, Shutdown Afghanistan And Take Down Iraq.” - Kash Patel
CBDC | "CBDCs, We've Been Working with Central Banks to Really Innovate And Bring Together Technology As a CBDC. Quant.Network Is Their Platform And Infrastructure That Central Banks Use to Pilot And Test CBDCs." - Gilbert Verdian (4/24/23)
VERIZON BASTARDS DISRUPTED our line AT 4:45 AM! US DOD MARATHON! Wed-FEB.5,-25 Joe BIden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his terror plot against the MAGA and his open border crimes, now being shut down by Trump. Biden should be locked up. His pa
The Central Banking System and Biden Threaten Crypto Currencies While Bitcoin Surges | Transvestites are Being Used to Cripple Americans Like Shock Troops | Christopher Key, Paul Bradley