Vaccines targeting African Americans. Stop and Bring on natural immunization!

3 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Clay Clark: What would you say to anybody out there thinking about taking any vaccine at all, ever?
Judy Mikovits, PhD: Vaccination is not immunization. It's sterilization, extermination of an unwanted varmint, and that might be Christians, African Americans. They targeted African Americans because they're the best and the brightest, they are our strongest immune systems, because they only need a little bit of vitamin D, no more shots. Immunizations. We will immunize you in this church, in every church across the country, immunize. I mean, I'll give you a oral, nasal, botanical, everything I can, and that's what I propose to do. I already did it twice, with the original aids and with neuro aids, which is called chronic Lyme disease. All the drugs exist. They're all behind me. All you have to do is use them correctly. No more shots.

11/13/2024 - Thrivetime Show:

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