CBDC | A Centralized Bank Digital Currency Model, The Real Fear Is That They Get Us There And Then They Ratchet It and The Metaphor We All Talk About Is Boiling the Frog
Kamala Harris | "Her Daddy, Professor Harris Says He's Caucasian Mixed Irish & Hindu. How Did Kamala Harris Get to Be Black?" - Judge Joe Brown + "How Harris' Indian Roots Shaped Her Political Views." - CNN
BRICS | "What Do You Make of BRICS? This Group Is Getting Together And Seems to Be Wanting to Pose a Threat to the United States Role As the Economic Leader of the Free World" - Megyn Kelly Interview Carol Roth
Yuval Noah Harari | "In the Bible, Humans Sin & Then God Punishes Them for Their Sin, By Unleashing the Flood. It's Much More Difficult to Go Beyond This Biblical Narrative." + "Soon We Will Be Beyond the God of the Bible."
Alina Habba | "It's Loud & Clear. They've Got Nothing, But There Politics. She's Got Nothing, But Her Soros Backing. Pay Attention America." + Join Alina Habba, Eric Trump, General Flynn & Team America At the Tulare, CA (D