3May23 With Captions Borders; Proud Boys Kafkaesque Trial; WEF/UN Get Worried About 2030 Deadline; New Censorship Tactics

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Congressional bill to stop forced organ harvesting in China passes nearly unanimously — and will do nothing.  What are they doing to stop AMERICAN government paying for organs to be harvested from living babies? 2:08

Biden administration approves sending troops to Mexico border.  Another meaningless gesture.  The ONLY thing Trump did to slow border traffic was related to his plandemic closure and that ends (along with jab requirement for foreign travelers) on May 11 6:42
San Francisco Whole Foods had 568 emergency calls to police in just over a year — and they were SERIOUS emergencies.  Here's what was happening… 12:05

Proud Boys trial: jury may be hung on conspiracy charges. The politicized trial hinges on a truly Orwellian definition that goes beyond "DoubleThink".  We could call it "MultiThink".  Here's the convoluted definition of "conspiracy" the government wants them to rubber stamp… 16:25

Apple and Google are teaming up to create alerts in case you have Bluetooth location tracking happening to you. But government geofence warrants will still likely be done as Google did for Jan6 22:35
Marvin Gaye has been dead for 39 years but "Marvin Gaye vs Ed Sheeran" copyright claim may end Sheeran's career. Copyright issues are strangling creativity and being used as an excuse for censorship.   31:01
Writers guild strike cancels late night shows. Will anyone notice? 50:17

SPLC may be about to get its wings clipped in court over their defamation and endangerment in baseless claims labelling people and organization "hate groups" without justification. 52:42

UK may wind up censoring Wikipedia as a result of impending censorship legislation for having sexual content accessible for minors — the SAME stuff they DEMAND be put in elementary schools.  It's about an "internet ID", not decency. 1:07:02

Washington, DC is looking for novel ways to STEAL YOUR CAR.  Fittingly, carjackings have exploded in DC this year.   The numbers are unbelievable… 1:15:50

Latest globalist fantasy for big corporations is 3-D printed fish printed fish by a company called, wait for it — "Stakeholder Fish" 1:21:53 

JP Morgan CEO tells stockholders he wants government to use eminent domain to confiscate private property to meet their 2030 deadline.  WEF and UN demand 2030 be accelerated because PEOPLE ARE RESISTING 1:25:55

French citizens are stopping the cashless push in France. 1:28:30

The critical race theory is nonsense that its advocates do not speak for us. 1:45:43
Artur pulaski found guilty of violating the alberta critical infrastructure defense act. 1:41:55

Covid PsyOp: "Fear, Shame, Guilt" says Psychological Group Chairman of UK Council for Psychotherapy says it was a coordinated campaign by government, media, and medical institutions — and they've got the receipts 1:51:53
INTERVIEW China's Organ Harvesting from Live Prisoners The evidence that China is killing its religious/political prisoners to quickly fulfill demands for organ transplants.  It's a harbinger of what happens when we no longer respect the sanctity of life, when an authoritarian government engages in unchecked religious/political persecution. 
Mitchell Gerber, stoporganharvesting.com, joins to talk about China's religious persecution of Falun Gong, Muslim, and Christian. 2:01:31

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