1. Why do guys keep marrying again even after getting divorce graped?

    Why do guys keep marrying again even after getting divorce graped?

  2. Masculine Women Vs Feminine Women

    Masculine Women Vs Feminine Women

  3. Awesome authentic soda (restaurant) in the mountains of jaco costa rica restaurante sudy

    Awesome authentic soda (restaurant) in the mountains of jaco costa rica restaurante sudy

  4. John's Airbnb steps from Cocal Casino & the cost of living in Jaco Beach Costa Rica

    John's Airbnb steps from Cocal Casino & the cost of living in Jaco Beach Costa Rica

  5. How to find the right girl 👰‍♀️ Tristan Tate. Is your girl worth it?🤔

    How to find the right girl 👰‍♀️ Tristan Tate. Is your girl worth it?🤔

  6. What are the best cell phone plans for Mexico and hacks to not get kicked off by your cell provider

    What are the best cell phone plans for Mexico and hacks to not get kicked off by your cell provider

  7. Jedi master strategies & advice for dealing with working girls. Reverse dating & retainer girlfriend

    Jedi master strategies & advice for dealing with working girls. Reverse dating & retainer girlfriend

  8. Giving thanks in paradise on Thanksgiving🙏 things to be thankful for and work towards🏝️

    Giving thanks in paradise on Thanksgiving🙏 things to be thankful for and work towards🏝️

  9. Surprise reunion with one of my girls I have not seen in 6 months

    Surprise reunion with one of my girls I have not seen in 6 months

  10. My Reverse Dating strategy & Finding a normal girl to smash for free vs working girls?

    My Reverse Dating strategy & Finding a normal girl to smash for free vs working girls?

  11. Mexico 🇲🇽 is the new America 🇺🇸

    Mexico 🇲🇽 is the new America 🇺🇸

  12. Travel tips alone and final surf trip of year 🌅🌊

    Travel tips alone and final surf trip of year 🌅🌊

  13. The girls taking me out to one of the clubs in Jaco Beach Costa Rica

    The girls taking me out to one of the clubs in Jaco Beach Costa Rica

  14. Having a drink and showing the view in front of cocal casino jaco beach costa rica

    Having a drink and showing the view in front of cocal casino jaco beach costa rica

  15. 4:20 in afternoon beach scene at the cocal casino jaco beach Costa Rica

    4:20 in afternoon beach scene at the cocal casino jaco beach Costa Rica

  16. How to date & break up w working girls right way👯‍♂️ New scams pr0stitute pulled on guy new to game

    How to date & break up w working girls right way👯‍♂️ New scams pr0stitute pulled on guy new to game

  17. Is Tijuana safe for americans to go to right now with the cartel stuff going on?

    Is Tijuana safe for americans to go to right now with the cartel stuff going on?

  18. Feliz navidad 🎄the day of giving should be every day, not just for Christmas.Be a giver not a taker🙏

    Feliz navidad 🎄the day of giving should be every day, not just for Christmas.Be a giver not a taker🙏

  19. Fresh bowl of tropical fruit cut and prepared for $5 in Rosarito. Life is better in Mexico

    Fresh bowl of tropical fruit cut and prepared for $5 in Rosarito. Life is better in Mexico

  20. Friend’s first time visiting Zona Norte👯‍♀️ Hong Kong Adelitas Tijuana.Did he hate it or love it?🤔

    Friend’s first time visiting Zona Norte👯‍♀️ Hong Kong Adelitas Tijuana.Did he hate it or love it?🤔

  21. Are the working girls at the clubs in Tijuana & other places clean?

    Are the working girls at the clubs in Tijuana & other places clean?

  22. Tarot Reading on the Government of the USA

    Tarot Reading on the Government of the USA

  23. If you are going to Jaco Beach Costa Rica, these are my friends who can help take care of everything

    If you are going to Jaco Beach Costa Rica, these are my friends who can help take care of everything

  24. Biking the jaco main street showing you some of the businesses jaco beach Costa Rica

    Biking the jaco main street showing you some of the businesses jaco beach Costa Rica

  25. Answering question how much have I made from my videos on youtube?

    Answering question how much have I made from my videos on youtube?
