Tarot Reading on the Government of the USA

2 years ago


Video timestamps:
02:05 Key card message
02:11 Current Situation
03:00 Upcoming Changes
03:53 What stays the same
04:16 Convalescent Energy
05:46 Grounding & Crowning message

Message from key cards:
New projects are afoot but there will be delays.

Current Situation:
Currently the government of the USA is working on projects abroad and looking at as many options as possible, they don’t want to get stuck on one thing. They also have several successfully completed projects, ie ones that are showing good results.

What May Change:
They will try to be more grounded in logic & reason and they work on their logistics. They will try to not be swayed by feelings and to focus on clear thinking (mental aptitude), but they will be disconnected from an intuitive understanding of things.

What Stays the Same:
They will keep focused on the goals at hand and be working on them through the use of power over others (force & manipulation).

Convalescent Energy:
They will be working together with other groups to improve their political defenses and also to seek knowledge and wisdom within the outside world (because they realized that what they had perceived was invalid).

When working with others they currently have an imbalance of finances & resources but they are optimistic about how things are going. They are looking on the positive side of things and not getting bogged down by disappointments even when their plans and preparations are not as successful when dealing with others. They are unable to give what others want to receive but they have decided to not worry about the problems at hand.

Grounding & Crowning Message:
What pulls it all together is a general lack of perception, an inability to see the truth or even to be hopeful of what the truth may bring. (They want to manipulate things because they don’t like what they see)

In the future they will be faced with harsh changes. It will hurt. It may seem that, politically, things are falling apart.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope it was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

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