Pastor Greg Locke | Why Did the World Economic Forum Bring a Witch Doctor to the 2024 Meeting? Why Is the WEF, CERN, GAVI, the WHO & United Nations Located In Geneva, Switzerland? Rev 9:11. Rev 2:13, Rev 11, 1st Thess 4 & New World Order
Yuval Noah Harari | "GPT Tried to Hire a Human to Solve the Captcha for It. The Human Got Suspicious. Nobody Told GPT4 to Lie & Told GPT4 What Lie Would Be Most Effective. This Was a Very Effective Lie." - 10/1/2024
BRICS | "Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia & the United Arab Emirates Joined BRICS Block January 1st 2024." - RT News | What Does This Mean for America? Commentary from TRUMP, Macgregor, Rickards, Grandich, Kiyosaki, Bannon, Etc.