Kanye West Wears A Executioner's Mask: Decade of Political Assassinations 1960 - 1970

2 years ago

The Black Mask of a Executioner.

That is what Kanye wears.

He admitted he has Handlers/Controllers to Tucker Carlson Fox News.

Those would be of the CIA MK Ultra kind. Shown in movie Conspiracy Theory 1997.

He and Trump share Dragon Energy Tweet 2018.

The Dragon who is in the narrative of Revelation chapter 13. Lucifer, The Devil, Satan.

The Decade of Political assassinations 1960 - 1970.

To make clear the political paths of Obama and sacrifice a few men along the way to Lucifer in Obama's honor. The wicked men of which there are many have orchestrated much evil surrounding him (Obama).
The likes of Henry Kissinger and such.

Obama Born 4.8.61 - 216th Day - 6x6x6 = 216 = Rev 13:18.


+ 840 Days (84)

= JFK Died. 22.11.1963 Assassinated.


+ 666 days + 216 Days + 13 Days 18 Months

= Malcolm X Died. 21.2.1965 (Nation of Islam) Assassinated.


+ 2 Days 10 Months 6 Years (216)

= Robert Francis Kennedy Died 6.6.68 Assassinated.

Martin Luther King Died 4.4.1968

+ 8 Weeks 4 Days within 61 Days (8.4.61)

= Robert Francis Kennedy Died 6.6.1968 Assassinated.


+ 8 Years 4 Months (84)

= Chairman Fred Hampton Died 4.12.1969 (Movie Judas and the Black Messiah)

Netflix "Who Killed Malcolm X"

1st release 30th September USA

+ 4 Months 8 Days (48)

= 7th February 2020 Germany Last release.

Judas and the Black Messiah. Chairman Fred Hampton assassination.

12th February 2021 USA Release

+ 21 Months 6 Days (216) Wikipedia number 216. 6x6x6 = 216 = Rev 13:18.

= 18th November 2022 Last release Egypt.

23rd August 2019 Movie "Angel has Fallen" releases USA.
(Isaiah chapter 14 Lucifer fell)

President Morgan Freeman receives a head wound. Same as The Contract 2006.

Joe Biden is speaking and asks his listeners to imagine. God forbid that Obama could have been assassinated in 2008 as president elect. He reminisced that in his last college year 1968 that MLK and RFK had been assassinated.
(a narrative to a unfolding story)

Revelation chapter 13 the Beast man's deadly head wound.

Tuesday December 13th 2016
President Elect Donald trump and Kanye West meet for the First time at the Trump Tower NYC Private Residence.

+ 666 Days (84 Weeks + 2 Months 16 Days)

= President Donald Trump and Kanye west meet for the Second Time at the Whitehouse Oval Office.

+ 48 Months 6 Weeks 1 Day (Obama born 4.8.61)

= Tuesday 22nd November 2022
EX President Donald trump and Kanye West meet for the third time at Mar a Lago Florida Trump Private Residence.

Google: Obama and Kanye storylines.

Watch this space. 2023/2024.

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