2 years agoNWO approved dumping poison COVID19 vaccine bacteria on humans using airplane chemtrail for zombiesChristianRapture
2 years agoGod's judgment is starting to fall on the Western feminist nations' Jezebel women but they are blindChristianRapture
2 years agoNWO making humans hate God & masculinity & Whites & Russia to release millions demons to eat humansChristianRapture
2 years agoNazi space fleet android & clone army in U.S. uniforms teleported into Germany to exterminate humansChristianRapture
8 months ago💐🌸Happy Mother's Day to ALL!🪻🌹 🍿 💥 Are We Getting Closer To Learning It ALL? 💣💣Patriot Girl 59
2 years agoBy redefining Bible verses Western Christians ridiculing Jesus just like they ridiculed him at crossChristianRapture
2 years agoNephilims now run earth. World rulers gather at U.N. for thousand human sacrifice ritual orgiesChristianRapture
2 years agoFake Christians spend their life trying to stop people taking vaccine instead of telling them repentChristianRapture
1 year agoOverview of Spiritual War Over Geographical Locations; Divine Perspective, What is Shifting?QuantumRealms
3 years agoCalling out all nurses, teachers, actors, influencers, sports stars, doctors, politiciansharrythomaspt
2 years agoWhen Eve is led astray to destroy society then NWO demon avatars take over to do human exterminationChristianRapture
2 years agoKing Ghidorah sea monsters now being sighted all over world because pastors redefined Bible versesChristianRapture