Calling out all nurses, teachers, actors, influencers, sports stars, doctors, politicians

2 years ago

If you are continuing to push this narrative you will be compliant to crimes against humanity

You have been warned, you have been served and you will be investigated

Any one taking pay rises, bonuses and back handers to promote this and push a narrative, you are compliant

When the truth comes out which it will and we are nearly there now, things will come back to you.

We have all been deceived but we now have all the information to show that this is wrong

What is happening is Genocide and Crimes against humanity under natural law, common law, treaty law. Articles 6 and 7 of international criminal court statue, the Nuremberg code, the Geneva convention, the United Nations convention and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of ingenious people

Do the right thing and speak up, or face the consequences. This is a serious matter

You are protected if you stay on the side of truth

#truth #truthwins #crimesagainsthumanity #digitalsoldiers #speakup #qanon #wwg1wga #thegreatawakeninguncensored #freedom #ukfreedom #freedommovement

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